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  • Writer's pictureBrightlife

Self-help, Intuition and Comedy with Becky...

If you’ve ever found that on the reading a self-help book or even watching an inspirational TED Talk you have come away feeling a little bit more inadequate then you did before you started? Me too! So, I’ve been turning the dry world of self-development on its head with a down-to-earth and uniquely funny style. I show you how to trust yourself and your intuition. I do this by blending psychology and breakthrough science, not only in one-to-one sessions but also in my teaching and my unique stand-up comedy show putting ‘self-help, intuition and comedy’ together, which I’ll be performing at Brightlife.

I’m the author of five published books including ‘You Do Know – learning to act on intuition instantly’ published by Hay House, which pioneers some revolutionary ideas on the brain in the gut and the brain in the heart.

I come from a theater and media background having had my own TV and Radio (LBC and BBC) shows on the subjects of self-help. Imagine a stand-up agony aunt with the sort of spot-on intuition that makes your hair curl.

I’ve appeared at the world-renowned seminar ‘I Can Do It’ and now I’m a live show producer and on the senior speaker selection team for TEDx Bristol.


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