It’s over forty years since I studied Fine Art, painting at the University of Reading where I was taught for four years by many of our highly regarded artists, including Mali Morris RA, Terry Frost RA, Antony Frost, and Anish Kapoor. All these artists have had a lasting impact on my work. The painters, Terry Frost and Mali Morris were particularly interested in Colour, and it can be no coincidence that to date I’ve written 5 books about Colour and countless magazine articles on the subject.
In 2021 “Colour Demystified” was finally published by Search Press. This book was a long time in the making as I researched the subject for four years and it took a good year to write and paint the illustrations. Just after I’d finished the final draft, we were hit by the pandemic which meant it was published 15 months later than planned. There was yet another delay when the books arrived at Southampton docks in August 2021, and they were delivered with only a day to spare for the Book launch. The book has received excellent reviews and within a month of publication the rights were bought to publish it in Spanish.
2021 has been a difficult and a wonderful year. Living through the pandemic has been unsettling but gave me time to concentrate on painting. In June I was elected a Member of the Society of Women Artists and invited to join the SWA Council. My work was exhibited and sold in more exhibitions than I have ever done in one year. The icing on the cake in November was having two paintings selected for the prestigious ING Discerning Eye Exhibition at the Mall Galleries, London. There were over 7500 entries from which 400 works were selected.
Further information can be found on Julie's website.