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Victoria Adams is a Yoga Teacher, PT, Facial Exercise Coach, + Certified Health Coach.

Victoria Adams

Victoria Adams is a Yoga Teacher, PT, Facial Exercise Coach, + Certified Health Coach.

She has worked with elite sportsmen and women including highly-decorated British Olympians and works with clients to manage their energy levels, improve posture and general sense of well-being, lose fat, and find easy ways of living healthfully. 

She is author of "Recipes for Life", contributing published author of "Mastering the Commodities Markets” by the Financial Times, and you can join her on retreat or online for 1:1 coaching. You can also find her at  Soho Farmhouse.

Expect to gain a deeper understanding of your body in yoga, your hormonal health, reversing the signs of ageing and how to address the symptoms of adrenal fatigue, feeling fitter and calmer in both your body and your mind.

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